
On this page, you can download various logos, banners, photos and press releases of Berlin Buzzwords 2012.

If you have any further questions regarding Berlin Buzzwords 2012 or would like to know more about the conference, please contact us online. If you are interested in attending the conference to learn more on current scalability topics and would later publish on the event, please contact us - we do have a contingent of free tickets available.

Claudia Brückner
M | presse [at] 
T | +49.30.921 0596
F | +49.30.69 20 33 799


Connect with Buzzwords

If you would like to connect with Berlin Buzzwords and stay up to date, we are now available on several social networks: Become a fan on Facebook or add us to your circles on google+. Follow us on Twitter  to get informed about updates and news. If you like, you can also join our local Xing group  or our LinkedIn Group  and participate in discussions on scalable data processing, search and NoSQL databases. To shorten the time until June, we will include notifications on a few related events in Berlin that might be of interest to Berlin Buzzwords attendees as well.


Press requests

If you would like to know more on Berlin Buzzwords, receive press releases and announcements, please contact us online. If you are interested in attending the conference to learn more on current scalability topics and would later publish on the event, please contact us - we do have a contingent of free tickets available.

M | presse [at] 
T | +49.30.921 0596
F | +49.30.69 20 33 799

A list of articles in various blogs, user groups and IT magazines can be found in our press review blog post.

For general questions on the conference please contact us. You can also reach us online as well as by phone and fax:

M | info [at] 
T | +49.30.921 0596
F | +49.30.69 20 33 799



Press releases 2012


Press release 2012-1-24

Press release 2012-3-5

Press release 2012-4-16


Pressemitteilung 2012-1-24

Pressemitteilung 2012-3-6

Pressemitteilung 2012-4-16














