Training classes for Apache HBase and Apache Hadoop by Cloudera

Right after Berlin Buzzwords 2012 there will be two highly interesting training classes organized by Cloudera in Berlin. Sign up for the one day class Essentials for Apache Hadoop on June 6th or the two day Training Class for Apache HBase on June 7th and 8th.
As these are public training classes where everyone is welcome, we have a 10% discount for all Berlin Buzzwords 2012 attendees. Use the discount code bbw_10 for purchasing a ticket.
Cloudera's training for Apache HBase is designed for developers already familiar with Apache Hadoop. Participants should be familiar with Hadoop's architecture and APIs, and have experience writing basic applications. Cloudera's Hadoop Developer course provides all the necessary background required.
More information about the training classes as well as contact information and registrations can be found on the Cloudera University website.
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