Large Scale ElasticSearch, Solr & HBase Performance Monitoring

This talk has all the buzzwords covered: big data, search, analytics, realtime, large scale, multi-tenant, SaaS, cloud, performance... and here is why: In this talk we'll share the "behind the scenes" details about SPM for HBase, ElasticSearch, and Solr, a large scale, multi-tenant performance monitoring SaaS built on top of Hadoop and HBase running in the cloud. We will describe all its backend components, from the agent used for performance metrics gathering, to how metrics get sent to SPM in the cloud, how they get aggregated and stored in HBase, how alerting is implemented and how it's triggered, how we graph performance data, etc. We'll also point out the key metrics to watch for each system type. We'll go over various pain-points we've encountered while building and running SPM, how we've dealt with them, and we'll discuss our plans for SPM in the future.

Watch the video of Otis Gospodnetic's talk here.

Schedule info
Time slot: 
5 June 11:25 - 11:45
Experience level: 
Presentation Format: 
Short (20min)