HBase Workshop and Hackathon


This workshop is for existing and new users of HBase. Meet committers and enthusiast who share the same interest in HBase. We are planning on doing a few presentations (volunteers are welcome!) to lighten up the day.


The day after the conference: 6th of June 2012, 10am to 5pm


Hypoport graciously is providing a room and projector for us to use. The address is:

Hypoport, Klosterstraße 71, 10179 Berlin, Deutschland

(or see https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Hypoport,+Klosterstra%C3%9Fe+71,+10179,+B...)


Please register at https://www.doodle.com/wpz3p8y3ndvxxp8w by simply entering your name, ticking the box next to it, and pressing "Save". Done!


If you would like to share some slides with everyone, please send an email to lars@cloudera.com with details. Please keep the talk to about 20-30 mins tops, since we want to leave some time to work in groups on whatever you feel is interesting.


We currently have planned to go for lunch together, everyone picking up their own bill, as we have no sponsor for lunch (yet... let me know if you are interested!).